Contract Award
Project: P168613-Guinea Natural Resources, Mining and Environmental Management Project
Loan/Credit/TF Info: IDA-V3660
Bid/Contract Reference No: GN-PGRNME - MINES-245542-CW-RFQ
Procurement Method: RFQ-Demande de prix
Scope of Contract: Sélection d'une entreprise pour le réaménagement des locaux administratifs du PGRNME
Notice Version No: 1
Date Notification of Award Issued
Duration of Contract
2 Week(s)
2 Week(s)
Awarded Bidder(s):
Boulbinet - Commune de Kaloum Tel : 621 08 75 69
Country: Guinée
Boulbinet - Commune de Kaloum Tel : 621 08 75 69
Country: Guinée
Bid Price at Opening
GNF 210835000
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 210835000
GNF 210835000
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 210835000
Signed Contract price
Evaluated Bidder(s):
AITECH SARL (954083)
Taouyah - Commune de Ratoma Tel : 622 20 90 21
Country: Guinée
Taouyah - Commune de Ratoma Tel : 622 20 90 21
Country: Guinée
Bid Price at Opening
GNF 254348500
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 254348500
GNF 254348500
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 254348500
EGAP (954044)
Quartier Sangoyah - Commune Matoto Tel: 657 84 84 90
Country: Guinée
Quartier Sangoyah - Commune Matoto Tel: 657 84 84 90
Country: Guinée
Bid Price at Opening
GNF 220131500
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 220131500
GNF 220131500
Evaluated Bid Price
GNF 220131500