E-5 |
(For Contracts valued less than the
equivalent of US $100,000 each)
June 2019
Procurement of Goods under RFQ/Shopping Procedures
Procurement Notice
Purchaser: The Director, DSA, TNJFU, Nagapattinam
Contract title: Computer and Multifunction Printer
Date: 05.03.2025
Applicable Procurement Regulations Date: July 2016 revised August 2018
1. The Government of India has received financing from the World Bank in various currencies towards the cost of the Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernisation Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds towards eligible payments under the contract for which this request for quotations is issued. The Director, DSA, TNJFU, Nagapattinam invites quotations from eligible bidders for the following goods.
Sl. No. |
Brief Description of the Goods |
Specifications |
Unit & Quantity |
Delivery Period |
Place of Delivery |
Installation Requirements if any |
1 |
Desk top PC |
1 no. |
2 months |
Director, Directorate of Incubation in vocational Aquaculture, Muttukkadu, Chennai |
Yes |
2. The Bidders may submit Quotations for all items.
3. This Procurement notice includes the terms and conditions applicable to submission of quotations; criteria for qualification, evaluation, and for award of supply order(s); and relevant forms to be filled by the bidders. The Procurement notice including the terms and conditions etc. can be downloaded free of cost by logging on to the website www.tenders.tn.gov.in [Implementing agency should insert the URL of the website]. In such cases the bidder would be responsible for ensuring that any addenda available in website is also downloaded and incorporated.
4. Quotations shall be submitted to The Director, Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture, TNJFU, Nagapattinam – 611 002 on or before 15:00 hours on 05.03.2025. The Quotations will be opened (at the same address of quotation submission) on 05.03.2025 at 15:30 hours[1].
5. If the Purchaser’s office happens to be closed on the date of opening of the Quotations as specified, the Quotations will be opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
6. Other details can be seen in the RFQ document. The Purchaser shall not be held liable for any delays due to postal or any other reasons whatsoever. A Bidder requiring any clarification of the RFQ Document may visit the office of the Purchaser at the address given below.
The Director,
Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture,
Nagapattinam – 611 002
Mob: 9952236193
Date: 05.03.2025
Terms and Conditions
- Eligibility: A Bidder (a) shall not participate in more than one Quotation; (b) shall not have conflict of interest as defined in the Bank’s Procurement Regulations; and (c) should not have been (i) temporarily suspended or debarred by the World Bank Group in compliance with the Bank’s Anti-Corruption Guidelines and its Sanctions Framework
- Clarifications & Amendments: If the Purchaser receives any request for clarification of this RFQ Document, it will upload its response together with any amendment to this document, on the www.tenders.tn.gov.in portal for information of all Bidders. Bidders should check on the portal, for any amendments to the terms and conditions.
- The Quotation shall comprise the following:
(a) Letter of Quotation;
(b) Delivery Period Offered: List of Goods & Related Services indicating Bidder’s offered delivery period in the prescribed Form;
(c) Technical Specifications: confirmation that the offered Goods and Related Services conform to the required specifications;
(d) Evidence in accordance with Clause 6 establishing Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract, if its quotation is accepted;
(e) Performance Statement[2] of supplies of similar goods made during the last 3 years, in the prescribed Format;
(f) Complete address and contact details of the Bidder having the following information:
Name of Firm
Address for communication
Telephone No(s): Office
Mobile No.
Facsimile (FAX) No.
Electronic Mail Identification (E-mail ID)
(g) Price Schedule (Quotation)
- Quotation Prices
a) The contract shall be for the full quantity for all items or for full quantity of each item, as specified in the Price Quotation Form.
b) All duties, taxes and other levies payable on the raw materials and components shall be included in the total price.
c) GST and any other taxes, which will be payable on the goods at the time of invoicing in connection with the sale, shall be shown separately. If these are only stated to be extra, such quotations are liable to be rejected. Wherever these taxes are not shown, these will be assumed to have been included in the quoted price.
d) The rates quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and shall not be subject to adjustment on any account.
e) The Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only.
- Conformity of Goods: Bidder shall furnish, documentary evidence that the Goods conform to the technical specifications and standards, as relevant for example catalogue, warranty/ guarantee etc. of the manufacturer [purchaser to specify what documents should be submitted by the bidders.].
- Qualification of the Bidder: (a) Bidder should have supplied goods of similar type (& capacity) up to at least 100% quantity in any one of last 3 years. Details of supplies made during the last 3 years shall be submitted in the specified Proforma. Atleast 40 % of the quantity in case of equipment offered for supply should have been in successful operation for at least one year as on date of quotation opening.
(b) Supplies for any particular item in each quotation should be from one manufacturer only. Quotations offering supplies from different manufacturers for the same item in the quotation will be treated as non-responsive.
- Validity of Quotation: Quotation shall remain valid for a period not less than 15 days after the deadline date specified for submission.
- Signing of Quotations: The name and position held by each person signing the quotation and related documents must be typed or printed below the signature.
- Quotation Submission: The Letter of Quotation shall be filled, signed and submitted along with the Price Schedules that shall be furnished using the Forms available in this document.
- Opening and Evaluation of Quotations: The Quotations will be opened on the specified date, time and place.
- The Purchaser shall examine the quotation to determine whether the quotation (a) has been properly signed (Clause 8); b) meets the eligibility criteria (Clause 1); (c) conforms to all terms, conditions, technical specifications, warranty/guarantee etc.; and (d) the bidder has accepted the delivery schedule (Purchaser’s Requirement Form 1).
- Only Quotations that are substantially responsive to the RFQ document, and meet all Qualification Criteria shall qualify.
- The evaluation shall be based on the total price of Goods and Related services at project site including GST and any other taxes, which will be payable on the finished goods at the time of invoicing.
- Award of contract: The Purchaser will award the contract to the bidder whose quotation has been determined to be substantially responsive and who has offered the lowest evaluated quotation price.
- Notwithstanding the above, the Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any quotations and to cancel the bidding process and reject all quotations at any time prior to the award of contract.
- The bidder whose quotation is accepted will be notified of the award of contract by the Purchaser prior to expiration of the quotation validity period. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in the supply order (sample form attached).
- 100% Payment shall be made immediately/or within 15 days after delivery of the goods. (Choose one of the two options). Payment of GST and other taxes payable for the goods at the time of invoicing, although already included in the total cost, will be at actuals or the rate/amount of these taxes specified in the supply order, whichever is lower.
- Normal commercial warranty/ guarantee shall be applicable to the supplied goods.
Letter of Quotation
The Bidder must prepare the Letter of Quotation on stationery with its letterhead clearly showing the Bidder’s complete name and address. The italicized text is for Bidder’s guidance in preparing these forms and shall be deleted from the final products. |
Our Reference: No.............................. Dated..........................
(Purchaser’s name and address)
Subject: Supply of...................................................................................................
1. We, the undersigned, hereby submit our Quotation. In submitting our Quotation, we make the following declarations:
- No reservations: We have examined and have no reservations to the RFQ Document;
- Conformity: We offer to supply in conformity with the RFQ Document and in accordance with the Delivery Schedules specified in the Schedule of Requirements the following Goods and Related Services [insert a brief description of the Goods and Related Services];
- The total price of our Quotation, including any unconditional discounts offered is:
Total price of the Quotation [insert the total price of the quotation including GST and any other taxes, which will be payable on the finished goods, in words and figures];
- Commissions, gratuities and fees: We have paid, or will pay the following commissions, gratuities, or fees with respect to the Bidding process or execution of the Contract: [insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason for which each commission or gratuity was paid and the amount and currency of each such commission or gratuity. If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “none.”]
- Quotation Validity Period: Our Quotation shall be valid for the period of 15 days, from the deadline fixed for the Quotation submission;
- Eligibility: We meet the eligibility requirements and have no conflict of interest, we are not participating in more than one quotation in this bidding process, and we have not been temporarily suspended or debarred by the World Bank.
(e) Fraud and Corruption: We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf will engage in any type of corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices.
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signature
Name & Title of Signatory _____________________________________________
In the capacity of [insert legal capacity of person signing the Letter of Quotation]
Name of Bidder _____________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Dated on ____________ day of __________________, _______ [insert date of signing]
Sl. No. |
Description of Goods |
Specifications |
Qty. |
Unit |
Quoted Unit Rate[3] at destination in Rs. |
[4]GST and similar other taxes applicable on finished Goods/ Services |
*Total Price per line item at Destination - inclusive of discounts, all taxes and duties |
In Figures |
In Words |
Decktop PC |
1 Nos. |
TOTAL including all taxes and duties |
Note: Evaluation shall be done for each item separately OR for all items together [Purchaser to insert one of the two options and delete the other. Information given here should be in consonance with the same information given in the RFQ and in Clause 13]
* Payment of GST and other taxes payable for the goods at the time of invoicing, although already included in the total cost, will be at actuals or the rate/amount of these taxes specified in the supply order, whichever is lower.
We agree to supply the above goods in accordance with the technical specifications for a total contract price (including all taxes and duties) of Rs. ........... (Amount in figures) (Rs... amount in words) within the period specified in the Request for Quotations.
We also confirm that the normal commercial warranty/guarantee of ...........months shall apply to the offered goods.
We hereby certify that we have taken steps to ensure that no person acting for us or on our behalf has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices (as defined in the prevailing World Bank’s sanctions procedures) in competing for or in performing the Contract.
Signature of Bidder
Proforma for Performance Statement (for a period of last 3 years)
RFQ No._______ Date of opening ___________ Time __________ Hours
Name of the Bidder __________________________________
Order placed by (full address of Purchaser) |
Order No. and date |
Description and quantity of ordered Goods/ equipment |
Value of order |
Date of completion of delivery
In case of Equipment, state if the equipment been satisfactorily functioning? (Attach a certificate from the Purchaser/Consignee) |
As per contract |
Actual |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
8 |
* This proforma shall be deleted if requirement of Performance Statement is deleted in Clause 4.
Signature and seal of the Bidder
Purchaser’s Requirement
Line Item No. |
Description of Goods and Related Services |
Quantity |
Physical unit |
Final Destination (Project site) |
Desired Delivery Period for completion of supply from the date of the Contract
Bidder’s offered Delivery Period [to be provided by the Bidder] |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1. |
2 |
2 |
The Director, Directorate of Sustainable Aquaculture, Vettar River View Campus, Nagapattinam- 611002 |
2 months |
1. Delivery Period offered by the Bidder should be filled in Column 7 by the Bidder.
2. Technical Specifications
Detailed Technical Specifications and Standards [whenever necessary] and scope of services
[Insert detailed description of TS and scope of services each item or for each group of similar items]
[1] Should be the same as for the deadline for receipt of quotations or promptly thereafter.
[2] Purchaser may delete this requirement in case of simple and regular off the shelf items.
[3] Any unconditional discounts if offered, shall be specified in this column along with the unit rates.
[4] Indicate each applicable tax separately.