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Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project



  • P170466

  • Uganda Investing in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate-Smart Development Project

  • Uganda

  • OP00337768

  • Invitation for Bids

  • Published

  • UG-NFA-455151-CW-RFB

  • Request for Bids

  • English

  • Apr 02, 2025 10:00

  • Mar 13, 2025


  • National Forestry Authority

  • Stuart Stuart Maniraguha

  • P.O. Box 70863Plot 10/20Spring RoadKampala

  • Uganda

  • Uganda

  • +256782786048


                                                  REPUBLIC OF UGANDA


                                                AREAS FOR CLIMATE SMART 
                                                DEVELOPMENT PROJECT. 

ASSIGNMENT TITLE:         CONSTRUCTION OF NEW OFFICE                                                                  BLOCKS, STAFF HOUSES, VISITOR                                                                WASHROOMS AND  RENOVATION OF                                                            EXISTING OFFICES, STAFF HOUSES AND                                                    OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE IN SOUTH                                                          WEST RANGE, BUDONGO SYSTEMS                                                              RANGE, MUZIZI AND WEST NILE RANGE                                                    UNDER 3 LOTS

COUNTRY:                             UGANDA 

CREDIT NO:                           6592-UG


DATE OF ISSUE:                  6TH FEBRUARY, 2025

1.    The Government of Uganda represented by National Forestry Authority             has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of Investing           in Forests and Protected Areas for Climate Smart Development Project               and  intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the                 contract for Construction of new office blocks, staff houses, visitor                     washrooms and renovation of existing offices, staff houses and other                   infrastructure in South West Range, Budongo Systems Range, Muzizi and         West Nile Range under 3 Lots.

2.    The National Forestry Authority now invites sealed Bids from eligible               Bidders for Construction of new office blocks, staff houses, visitor                     washrooms and renovation of existing offices, staff houses and other                   infrastructure in South West Range, Budongo Systems Range, Muzizi                 River Range and West Nile Range under 3 lots;
       Lot 1: South West Range
       Lot 2: Budongo Systems Range
       Lot 3: Muzizi River Range and West Nile Range 
       The delivery period is within 6 months and Margin of preference will not           apply. Bidders may bid for one or several lots (contracts), as further                   defined in Request for Bids document. 
       Bidders wishing to offer discounts in case they are awarded more than one         lot will be allowed to do so, provided those discounts are included in the             letter of bid.

3.    Bidding will be conducted through Open National competitive                           procurement using a Request for Bids (RFB) as specified in the World               Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” dated November             2020 revised September, 2023 (“Procurement Regulations”), and is open           to  all eligible Bidders as defined in the Procurement Regulations.

4.    Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from National             Forestry Authority and inspect the bidding documents during office hours           from 08:30a.m to 05: 00p.m (Monday to Friday) at the address indicated           in  No. 8.

5.    The bidding document in English may be purchased by interested eligible           Bidders upon the submission of a written application to the address below         and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee of Uganda shillings one hundred         thousand only UGX 100,000 (Uganda Shilling One Hundred Thousand             Shillings Only) The method of payment will be by Bank Payment Advice           Form obtainable from National Forestry Authority. The document will be           collected upon presentation of proof of payment from the address                       indicated in No.8.

6.    Bids must be delivered to the address indicated in No. 8 on or before at               10:00 a.m. on or before 19th March, 2025. Electronic Bidding will not be           permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the           presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who                   chooses to attend at the address below on at 10:15a.m (Local time).

7.    All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of;
       Lot 1 - UGX 107,343,000 (Uganda Shillings One Hundred and Seven                 Million Three Hundred Forty Three Thousand Only). 
       Lot 2 - UGX 107,343,000 (Uganda Shillings One Hundred and Seven                 Million Three Hundred Forty Three Thousand Only).
       Lot 3 - UGX 107,343,000 (Uganda Shillings One Hundred and Seven                 Million Three Hundred Forty Three Thousand Only).

8.    The address referred to above is:

       Attn: Procurement Manager 
       Agnes Kamagaju
       National Forestry Authority
       Plot10/20 Spring Road, Bugolobi 0312-264 035/6, 
       Tel: +256772316463
                                              AG. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR